Margaret was raised on a large cow calf operation in
central Nevada. She became actively involved in the
property rights movement after her parents, Wayne and
Jean Hage, filed Hage v. United States in the Federal
Court of Claims in 1991.
She launched Stewards of the Range in 1992 to help
landowners facing similar issues which merged into
American Stewards of Liberty in 2009. She continues to
serve as Executive Director. The organization has been
in front of some of the most successful property rights
victories since its formation.
Over the years, Margaret has worked on a multitude
of property rights issues including proposals in
Congress, property rights litigation, and by helping local
governments assert their coordinate role in communities
across the nation. She was actively involved with the local
governments credited with defeating the I-35 Trans Texas
Corridor and more recently preventing the endangered
listing of the Dunes Sagebrush Lizard.
Margaret holds a Bachelors degree in English and Music
received from the College of Idaho. She is married to Dan
Byfield and has one daughter and three step children.