CAPR Bills of Concern
February 26, 2023
By Cindy Alia
CAPR has compiled this list of Serious Bills of Concern, we would urge a no vote on this list of bills.
Gun Rights
Establishing firearms-related safety measures to increase public safety.
Sponsors: Peterson, Senn, Alvarado, Walen, Street, Springer, Simmons, Reeves, Reed, Ormsby, Kloba, Fitzgibbon, Duerr, Doglio, Berry, Bateman, Fey, Davis, Ramel, Bergquist, Fosse, Pollet, Lekanoff, Macri, Gregerson, Santos
This bill is a so called “assault weapons” ban.
Concerning requirements for the purchase or transfer of firearms.
Sponsors: Berry, Walen, Reed, Peterson, Street, Bateman, Ramel, Senn, Callan, Doglio, Macri, Lekanoff, Duerr, Pollet, Davis, Kloba, Fosse, Ormsby
This bill is essentially would require a permit to purchase a firearm and creates a registry of firearms purchasers.
Civil and constitutionally protected rights
Establishing the domestic violent extremism commission.
Sponsors: Ramos, Berg, Berry, Duerr, Leavitt, Taylor, Mena, Peterson, Ramel, Ryu, Senn, Simmons, Street, Reed, Lekanoff, Doglio, Cortes, Pollet, Callan, Fosse, Macri, Stonier
Creates a Domestic Violent Extremism Commission under the control and direction of the attorney general. An Orwellian bill that will eliminate the first amendment free speech constitutionally protected right based on the so called recommendations of this commission. The commission will not include people of faith or the white race according to testimony heard due to their status as those who have a tendency to be domestic violent extremists. Aside from government types the members will include representatives of these six categories of people: six representatives, appointed by the Attorney General, from organizations
representing groups protected under the state's hate crime statute, which protects persons from hate crime based on race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin,
gender, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, mental disability, physical disability, or sensory disability.
A Journalism Fellowship Program be created to combat misinformation and disinformation; to make sure the public gets it right in thought and speech.
Limiting liability for salmon recovery projects performed by regional fisheries enhancement groups.
Sponsors: Lekanoff, Chapman, Ramel, Reed
This is a simple bill that would allow for bad actors or neighboring projects creating habitat or fishery enhancement, salmon habitat, and the like to be relieved of responsibility of damages caused to others.
Easy to see why the bill should not pass, as such damages have already occured to property owners and civil liability is already difficult neigh impossible to establish.
Creating a statewide resiliency program.
Sponsors: Donaghy, Rule, Reeves, Morgan, Ramel, Reed, Leavitt
With this bill, The Emergency Management Division (EMD) within the Military Department will Identify and leverage the respective roles, authorities, and expertise of agencies; the bill includes climate resilience as emergency management duties of the military, adding participating and collaborating in interagency efforts to advance statewide climate resilience activities to the statewide resilience program; Coordinating funding to maximize federal, state, local, and private investments; among other duties.
Creating the covenant homeownership account and program to address the history of housing discrimination due to racially restrictive real estate covenants in Washington state.
Sponsors: Taylor, Chopp, Berg, Peterson, Reed, Stonier, Gregerson, Bronoske, Cortes, Mena, Street, Ramel, Fosse, Fey, Goodman, Duerr, Bateman, Morgan, Alvarado, Macri, Senn, Berry, Kloba, Hackney, Springer, Slatter, Callan, Orwall, Farivar, Simmons, Ortiz-Self, Thai, Ryu, Stearns, Wylie, Ramos, Doglio, Riccelli, Chapman, Santos, Davis, Ormsby, Bergquist, Pollet
This bill would if passed add an additional $100.00 to record documents at the county recorders office. The county recorder would collect that money for the state Covenant Home Ownership Account so any person needing to record a document can pay for reparation because of past covenant documents and that the money collected would be used as closing costs and initial down payment on homes for those deemed impacted by past covenant documents.
Growth Management Act Changes
Increasing middle housing in areas traditionally dedicated to single-family detached housing.
Sponsors: Bateman, Barkis, Reed, Taylor, Riccelli, Berry, Fitzgibbon, Peterson, Duerr, Lekanoff, Alvarado, Street, Ryu, Ramel, Cortes, Doglio, Macri, Mena, Gregerson, Thai, Bergquist, Farivar, Wylie, Stonier, Pollet, Santos, Fosse, Ormsby
Requires zoning changes to increase density in establishing GMA density requirements which include 2 through 6 units per lot, this is last year’s hard fought middle housing bill which failed despite efforts of representative Fitzgibbon to insert it into a bill under reconciliation after his bill failed to pass.
These things in UGA planning for middle housing will not be allowed:
may not require standards for middle housing that are more restrictive than those required for detached single-family residences;
must apply to middle housing the same development permit and environmental review processes that apply to detached single-family residences;
must apply to middle housing the same critical areas regulations that apply to detached single-family residences;
may not require off-street parking as a condition of permitting development of middle housing within .5 miles of a major transit stop;
may not require more than one off-street parking space per unit as a condition of permitting development of middle housing on lots smaller than 6,000 square feet; and
may not require more than two off-street parking spaces per unit as a condition of permitting development of middle housing on lots greater than 6,000 square feet.
Improving the state's response to climate change by updating the state's planning framework.
Sponsors: Duerr, Fitzgibbon, Berry, Peterson, Ryu, Alvarado, Taylor, Reed, Walen, Bateman, Ramel, Goodman, Doglio, Macri, Callan, Simmons, Lekanoff, Gregerson, Bergquist, Stonier, Pollet, Davis, Kloba, Riccelli, Mena, Tharinger
This bill adds to the GMA climate change and resiliency goals requiring counties to include climate in their comprehensive plans and to demonstrate actions the counties will take to reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions and vehicle miles traveled. (think European 15 minute cities plans) (think US “walkable cities” plans).
Adds climate resilience mandates to Water Suppliers' plans.
Promoting transit-oriented development.
Sponsors: Liias, Gildon, Kuderer, Lovelett, MacEwen, Mullet, Braun, Billig, Dhingra, Frame, Hunt, Kauffman, Nguyen, Nobles, Pedersen, Saldaña, Salomon, Shewmake, Stanford, Valdez, Van De Wege, Wilson, C.
While you dodge huge cracks and potholes, pay exorbitant fuel taxes, this bill in the sponsors’ own words will:
Requires the Department of Transportation to establish a competitive grant program to help finance qualifying housing projects within rapid transit corridors, and to provide technical assistance for implementing, and compliance review of, transit-oriented development regulations.
Establishes that cities planning under the Growth Management Act (GMA) may not enact or enforce any new development regulation within a transit station area that prohibits the siting of multifamily residential
housing on parcels where any other residential use is permissible.
Establishes that cities planning under the GMA may not enact any new development regulation within a transit station area or hub that imposes a maximum floor area ratio of less than the applicable transit-oriented density for any use otherwise permitted, or imposes a maximumresidential density, measured in residential units per acre or other metrics of land area.
Prohibits counties and cities planning under the GMA from requiring off-street parking as a condition of permitting development within atransit station area, with exceptions.
Expands the categorical exemption for infill development to facilitate the timely and certain deployment of sustainable transit-oriented development.
Undermining humanity, parental control and responsibility, and human rights and dignity.
Without respect for human life and dignity, we cannot expect respect for property rights.
Amending the Constitution to address reproductive freedom.
Sponsors: Keiser, Kuderer, Conway, Dhingra, Frame, Hasegawa, Hunt, Liias, Nguyen, Pedersen, Rolfes, Salomon, Stanford, Valdez, Van De Wege, Wilson, C.
This bill should not pass, abortion is already legal in Washington State, let's not allow the constitution to wander from its purpose to protect positive rights by including negative rights. This is a matter for statute, not for the constitution.
Increasing access to the provisions of the Washington death with dignity act.
Sponsors: Rude, Peterson, Harris, Macri, Riccelli, Stonier, Fitzgibbon, Senn, Simmons, Tharinger, Kloba, Reeves, Reed, Walen, Gregerson, Ormsby, Bateman, Doglio, Alvarado, Ramel, Santos, Pollet
If you have managed to be alive, these people want you to hurry up and die. Door Dash Death
This bill disregards protections and safeguards the citizens of the state considered in the original initiative which spawned this bill. Carefull distribution of deadly drugs will not be carefully monitored but would be deliverable by messenger service or the mail. Have you been a victim of lost mail? Is this a good way to distribute deadly drugs?
Concerning access to reproductive health care services and gender-affirming treatment in Washington state.
Sponsors: Trudeau, Wellman, Dhingra, Hasegawa, Hunt, Keiser, Liias, Lovelett, Nguyen, Pedersen, Randall, Saldaña, Stanford, Valdez, Wilson, C.
Adding gender affirmation treatment and surgery and abortion to specially protected procedures no other “medical” procedures enjoy, guaranteeing this to all Washingtonians and those who come to Washington state for these practices. Why are legislators conflating these two medical procedures?
Supporting youth and young adults seeking protected health care services.
Sponsors: Liias, Wilson, C., Dhingra, Lovelett, Nguyen, Randal
This bill intends to take the above bill, 5489, and ensure abortion and gender affirming treatment and surgery are available and specially protected for all in Washington state or those who come to Washington state for these specially protected services but with the caveat of making sure that “runaway” youth, under the age of 18 may be “supported” by receiving these medical procedures without parental consent or knowledge, or oversight.
Please take the time to email and call your legislators. All legislative emails are thus: the legislative hotline to leave a message for your legislator is 800 562 6000
Thank you for your efforts to respect and restore property rights!
February 27, 2023