CAPR Comments on the federal "Sustains Act"

American Stewards of Liberty warns us of the United States Department of Agriculture is preparing policy to implement the Sustains Act.  This will monetize our "Natural Processes" and establish ownership of those processes!  

Please read this American Stewards of Liberty current Issue which describes the process and the bill, why it is harmful to all Americans, and why comment is needed.  This is not a formal rule-making comment period, but rather an agency "information gathering" period.  

This is a sordid process undertaken to bypass opposition such as was garnered during the Natural Asset Companies (NAC) that was defeated earlier in 2024.  Those determined to capitalize and monetize, thus control the natural processes the world functions through, and so controlling the use and ownership of those functions and naturally controling you, your private property, and ability to function independently.  It can't be understated the level of damage such a program would cause for our independence in food production and choices, water resources, and the managment of those processes of nature we depend upon for that independence.  

Plese read the Comments Provided to the Natural Resources Conservation Service below.  You can provide comment as well, feel free to use the CAPR Comments as a basis for your comments!

Citizens' Alliance for Property Rights, a non-partisan property rights advocacy, protection, and restoration organization provides comment and information to the USDA regarding the implementation of the "Sustains Act".  Property rights are natural rights or human rights, and are the very foundation of a free society.  The founders of the States and the Union understood that without an individual right to own and control property, no other rights can be protected from government tyranny. 

The Sustains Act would undermine and in some cases eliminate the independent use and decision making Americans depend on for productive and beneficial use of their lands.  Ownership by any entity to the exclusion of any other and monetization of "natural processes" and the creation of service markets should not be allowed or implemented and used and managed by any private entity or governmental agency.  The processes of nature are for the benefit of mankind and do not belong to any nation, world wide organization, or political entity.

Conservation programs, easements, and political processes should never interfere with the ownership and control of a property owner entering into an agreement, nor should any agreement made be dependent on eliminating the use of or ownership of a portion of a private property. 

The addition of private capital being used to fund federal conservation programs cannot occur retroactively on lands already enrolled, nor in fact should private capital be used to fund federal programs that have any impact on private property be it viewed either negatively or positively on a subjective or an objective basis. 

Citizens' Alliance for Property Rights vehemently opposes the use of the United States Department of Agriculture to implement, manage or create any portion of this misguided and destructive Sustains Act.



September 14, 2024