Governor Inslee flies Communist Chinese flag, Patriots Bring it Down

Washington State Governor Jay Inslee had the Communist Chinese flag flown at the state capitol in Olympia between the U.S. and state flag. This was in honor of the Chinese ambassador visiting. On Saturday, April 4th, a small group of patriots, assisted by a Washington State patrolman, took it down. See the video here: Representative Elizabeth Scott, (R - 39th), had posted a photo of the United States Flag, the Washington State Flag, and the Communist Chinese Flag flying in front of the Washington State Capitol at Equal height on Facebook, explaining in the comments that the flag was there because the ambassador was meeting with the governor. The grassroots outrage went viral very quickly as people shared the Facebook post. They did not like seeing the Communist flag flown at the same height as ours. By 4 a.m., people were in Olympia demanding the flag be taken down, and were successful in hauling the Chinese flag down. Washingtonians can be encouraged by this, there have been enough anti-freedom laws created by this left leaning legislature under the guidance of Governor Inslee, to have created thousands of Patriots ready to promptly respond to defend our liberty.

April 7, 2015