WDFW Hydraulic Project Rules Public Comment Period Extended to 9/15/14

On August 8th, the Governor appointed WDFW commission heard testimony regarding the proposed HPA rule-making changes. Common projects requiring approval under the state’s hydraulic rules include work on bulkheads, culverts, piers and docks. http://wdfw.wa.gov/commission/meetings/2014/08/aug0814_10_summary.pdf Due to overwhelming public comment regarding the methods, science, and reach of the HPA rules, the WDFW has expanded the comment period to September 15, 2014. This decision was made after public testimony on August 8th before the WDFW Commission. See the announcement provided by WDFW: http://wdfw.wa.gov/news/aug1214a/ Most of the public comment was provided by counties, many were concerned over the extra costs that would cause an insurmountable barrier to upkeep, and replacement of bridges and other water crossings. Private Property owners will also face considerable costs to shoreline and dock upkeep and projects. There is considerable mitigation and implementation of programs that emphasize regulation outside of the high water marks that have been traditionally used when considering the reach of HPAs. The Mining community is concerned with additional burdens placed on them as well. The Farm Bureau has concerns that also need to be addressed. Concerned citizens and counties would best be served by watching the hearing on TVW here: http://www.tvw.org/index.php?option=com_tvwplayer&eventID=2014080028 The HPA portion of the hearing begins at 1:40:55 The public testimony begins at 2:34:18. However it is instructive to listen to the entire HPA hearing, as the Habitat Program of WDFW presents it case, admitting often to shortcomings in this rule-making process. After rewiew of this process, comments should be sent to these agency links: Public comments on the proposed HPA rules will be accepted through September 15th. Comments may be submitted in one of the following ways: Email: HPArules@dfw.wa.gov Fax: 360-902-2946 Mail: Randi Thurston 600 Capitol Way N Olympia, WA 98501 And here for comment on the Environmental Impact Statements: Submit Comments on the SDPEIS Public comments on the SDPEIS will be accepted through September 15th. Comments may be submitted in one of the following ways: Email: SEPAdesk2@dfw.wa.gov Fax: (360) 902-2946 Mail: Lisa Wood, SEPA Responsible Official, 600 Capitol Way N, Olympia, WA 98501-1091

August 13, 2014