Stay at Home or Safe Start, Tyranny Remains the Objective

“The urge to save humanity is almost always a false face for the urge to rule it.” ---H.L. Mencken.

Updated June 1, 2020 by Cindy Alia

A plan by any other name is not liberty!  While some may rejoice in the May 31 expiration of Governor Inslee's Stay Home Stay Healthy edict Proclamation 20-25, it has been replaced by an new catchy phrase, "Safe Start"  meaning you don't have to stay at home, but the businesses you favor may or may not be free to operate in your county.  Here is the link to the governor's latest proclamation 20-25.4 "Transition from Stay Home Stay Healthy to Safe Start Stay Healthy County by County Phased Reopening.

The governor also extended 23 proclamations, some of which make Washingtonians less safe, but seem to be politically beneficial to the governor, for example, waiving childcare background checks,

You can read the list of extended proclamations here.

Governor Inslee still believes, or wants you to believe we in Washington are in a state of emergency.  We may expect to see additional proclamations as the whim may strike the governor, but until then, there are still substantial questions left unaddressed and need attention.  The governor's contact tracing plan is supposed to be voluntary, and is advertised as such, 

Yet your voluntary cooperation may end at your point of refusal to volunteer.  The governor's press release above is free of the kind of details that have many in Washington concerned, the details of which are relayed in this article By Mario Lotmore | Lynnwood Times Staff

The constitutionality of the contract tracing plan is doubtful and has been called into question by many, including these state representatives in a letter to US Attorney General Barr:

Governor Inslee's totalitarian approach to governing has emboldened agencies to embark upon regulatory over-reach that is outside of and above the law, recently the Department of Labor and Industries has filed an emergency rule for enforcement of the governors refusal to allow businesses to resume working and carrying on commerce.  This prompted Senator Ericksen to file a petition to repeal the rule.

Is Safe Start better than Stay home Stay Healthy?  A rose by any other name would still smell as tyrannical.



May 30, 2020