CAPR's blog

Is There a Legislative Cure for Hirst?

We remain resolved and determined to push forward bills to cure the attacks on water rights foisted upon the citizens of Washington State by an out of control environmental cartel.  Although the best bills have been stalled in their progress through our legislature, we will continue the fight through this session and into future sessions to restore exempt well rights in response to the supreme court decision commonly known as the Hirst decision...

Water Rights Where Do We Stand with Hirst?

The State Legislature has proposed several bills to correct the wrongs done by the Hirst Decision of the state supreme court.  CAPR is watching the process of the bills in the legislature and we provide an overview of these bills.  Review the bills and be sure to call your legislators to let them know your opinions of the bills and how important correcting the Hirst Decision, water and property rights are to you! 

The legislative hotline is 800 562 6000.  

CAPR Lobbies for Property Rights!

CAPR Lobbyist Cindy Alia is looking forward to working the halls and offices in Olympia this 2020 Session to bring recognition of and respect for property rights to legislators.  CAPR has been busy this interim lobbying state agencies and working as a stakeholder doing all that could be done to prevail on the agency to repect the privacy of and property of private property owners in State Department of Health meetings for rulemaking about Onsite Septic Systems, CAPR's property rights lobbyist is pushing back on rules that may harm the use of properties and standing up for property owners' rights to privacy, ownership and responsibility for OSS.


Consider the work and success of CAPR as you give this year! You can help!

As CAPR enters our 14th year, we are reflecting on our many recent successes in our efforts to identify, educate, train, and mobilize property rights advocates, and to restore and defend property rights. Our ongoing efforts and successes in 2016 encourage us to keep working for the rights of all! Please help CAPR in this fight for freedom!

Tales of Tyranny: The Cross Family and Ozzie

In 2016, the Washington State Department of Ecology began a targeted harassment program accusing small farmers and property owners of having a "potential to pollute" the watershed because they have an animal on their property. In Whatcom County alone, many people have been forced to euthanize or give away their pet goats, sheep, horses, llamas, or other farm animals to avoid the targeted legal and financial threats.

Tales of Tyranny: The Arthur Thomas Story

This is the first of a series of videos, Tales of Tyranny, produced by Citizens' Alliance for Property Rights (CAPR) in Washington State.  These short video stories about people who have been harmed by abusive government regulation, zealous prosecution of  ridiculous rules, criminalization of minor code infractions, and the destruction of property rights.  Ordinary citizens have been harmed by government as policy. 


Damage of Supreme Court Hirst Decision, Ecology, and Futurewise for Washingtonians

As CAPR enters our 14th year, we are reflecting on our many recent successes in our efforts to identify, educate, train, and mobilize property rights advocates, and to restore and defend property rights. Our ongoing efforts and successes in 2016 encourage us to keep working for the rights of all! Please help CAPR in this fight for freedom!

Seeking Justice by Electing Justices Who Respect the Constitution and the Rule of Law

Many persons seek the protection of their property rights and relief from over-reaching or misapplied regulatory actions and want to have that relief from our Judicial system.  But what if the highest court in our State has strayed from the rule of law and constitutional decision making and into the arena of problem solving with decisions best left to another branch of government, the legislature? 

Putting Pot in Its Place

At 7:00 pm on the evening of August 24th well over 80 concerned citizens attended a meeting at the Wabash Church meeting room in Auburn, rural King County.  They came to meet and discuss their grievances with the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board (WSLCB). The list of objections from rural property owners are the core questions regarding property values, and neighborhood safety.


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