CAPR's blog

Fox v. Skagit

In supporting the Fox v. Skagit lawsuit, CAPR, through raising community awareness and donations, is helping protect and restore the rights of Richard and Marnie Fox and thousands of property owners throughout Skagit County to use their property in the face of unreasonable and unscientific restrictions based on so-called “instream flows” imposed by the Department of Ecology.


SAMISH VALLEY GRANGE FREE PUBLIC MEETING GOT WATER?? The Skagit in- stream flow rule has caused the loss of water in 6000 Skagit County rural maybe not!! This issue affects not only rural citizens, but city dwellers as well! Join us for a free public meeting to learn about and discuss the in- stream flow rule! When? Tuesday, March 3rd 2015, 6:30 p.m. Where? 4320 Hwy 9, Sedro Woolley 1/5 mile south of the Samish Elementary School What? Mike Newman, Skagit Co. Citizens Alliance for Property Rights water rights advocate, will speak on current water rights issues and legislative updates. Who? You are cordially invited to attend. Light refreshments will be served. Contact Tina: Skagit Co. Citizens Alliance for Property Rights and Samish Valley Grange Member 425-350-0217

February 25, 2015

USDA, EPA Partnership Supports Water Quality Trading To Benefit Environment, Economy CAPR questions both the need, and the methodology to this most recent evolution of the imaginary marketplace. One wonders what will be next, water palatable quality global environmental justice trading? From the USDA news "Water quality trading provides a cost-effective approach for regulated entities to comply with EPA Clean Water Act requirements, including water quality-based effluent limits in National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permits. Trading would allow regulated entities to purchase and use pollutant reduction credits generated by other sources in a watershed. Cost savings and other economic incentives are key motivators for parties engaged in trading.

Last Big Push for Property Rights Bills!

Urgent Action! Your Calls Will Restore Property Rights! CAPR members, friends and allies, our property rights friendly legislators need our help to turn the tide on these bills! We are happy to have so many property rights bills in play this session! The list is huge! Please look it over and decide to support as many as you can in this last big push for Property Rights! There are new bills added to this list, please continue the campaign for our property rights and call and email to support these property rights protecting bills!!! This is our last big push to get these bills to the floor! Your calls and emails are stirring the pot! You are being heard! Your calls are still urgently needed to get bills to the floor before the February 20th cut off date!!! Legislative hotline: 1.800.562.6000 Property Rights Bills Currant Status Bills on Eminent Domain!

Grizzly News!

The new National Park Service is here to help you... If you think the reintroduction of wolves has been dangerous and contentious, lets see how we all fare when the reintroduction of grizzly bears is accomplished. Imaging a perfect world where people, wolves, and grizzlies all share the same place on the planet! Or not! There will be several public scoping open house meetings...this is a new way to say public comment period, regarding the "restoration" of grizzly bears to the north Cascades.

February 16, 2015

Call to Respect Property Rights!

This week your property rights advocate and lobbyist in Olympia was basically accused by a partisan Senator of claiming the property rights of Washington's Citizens was more important than some others' property rights! The accusation was laughable at best for anyone familiar with the long standing fight for property rights Citizens' Alliance for Property Rights has conducted over the years! CAPR as an organization has always fought for everyone's property rights, and the notion of one right or one persons right being more important than another is a foreign concept that is frankly unimaginable! With that insight into Olympia think, I present to you the bills of concern for this week, and urge all citizens to call and email those in Olympia and demonstrate the importance of all property rights by asking for these bills to receive their due diligence!

Urgent Action! Your Calls Will Restore Property Rights!

Urgent Action! Your Calls Will Restore Property Rights! Friends in Property Rights,Let's continue the work to uphold and respect your property rights! Your Calls and Emails are working and there are several important pro-property rights bills receiving hearings this week! At hearings for these bills, the opposition turned out in full force! The WDFW,DOE, Sierra Club, Futurewise, the Tribes, and associations of cities and counties all testified against these pro property rights bills! As your property rights lobbyist and advocate, I testified on your behalf in favor of these bills! But my voice and testimony alone will not counter all the self interest groups testifying against us! To restore your liberty in your property we all need to be heard! Please call and email your representatives and senators and ask for their support in getting these bills passed!

Save Our Agricultural Land!!! Legislative Alert!!!

Action Alert!! Save our Ag lands!! Call in and Support These Bills!!! Legislative Hotline: 1.800.562.6000 According to the Washington State Department of Agriculture, our agriculture and food industry is worth $49 billion to the state economy. Support our agricultural value and your safe and locally produced food by calling the Legislative Hotline: 1.800.562.6000 and telling your legislators you support HB 1215, HB 1629 HB 1630 and their companion bills in the Senate! There will be hearings on this bill in Olympia on Tuesday January 27, 2015: House Hearing Rm D John L. O'Brien Building Olympia, WA If you can't come for the hearing, please call your Representative and the Legislative Hotline 1.800.562.6000 Here is how these bills will protect our ag land and great local food! HB 1215 Restricting the conversion of agricultural land to other uses under the growth management act.

Water Rights Statewide Legislative Alert!!!

WATER RIGHTS BILLS!!! Please call your representatives or the Legislative Hotline 1.800.562.6000 and give them the bill #s and tell them you are in support of these bills and want them PASSED! Fellow Property Rights Advocates! For far too long the In Stream Flow Rules have been taking our water rights and it is with relief we see these long awaited bills that will provide solutions to the imbalance and harm these rules have caused! Hearings will be held in Olympia on Thursday, January 29th at 8:00am in Olympia. Senate Full Committee Senate Hearing Rm 3 J.A. Cherberg Building Olympia, WA Here are links to the Bills: 1.SB 5129 - Concerning overriding considerations of the public interest in management of the waters of the state.

Eminent Domain Legislative Alert!!!

Citizens’ Alliance for Property Rights Statewide Legislative Alert!!! Three Bills on Eminent Domain: Each of these bills intend to better define eminent domain and prevent takings for other than true public use, each bill is specific to certain problems associated with eminent domain! Please call your legislators or the legislative hotline to support the hearing and passage all of these bills! Legislative hotline: 1.800.562.6000 SB 5188, Read original text: CAPR summary: Because cities have in the past used eminent domain to transfer property from one private owner to another to increase jurisdictional tax revenues.


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