Critical Areas

King County Proposed Septic System Ordinance Final CAPR Comments

By Cindy Alia 10/20/24

The King County Department of Health has been drafting proposed ordinance for On-site Septic Systems (OSS).   CAPR has been following the process of and evaluating the stated goals of the Department of Health in the proposed ordinance and has now had the opportunity to read and analyze the formal draft ordinance produced on September 17.   King County has set a public comment deadline of Monday October 21, 2024.  

As a brief overview of what we perceive as potential negative aspects of the draft ordinance:

Liberty Oriented Organizations Featuring Washington Sensible Shorelines Association


By Cindy Alia

CAPR is interested in and grateful for other organizations that focus on a fair, balanced, scientifically sound, and well managed regulatory means.  It is not enough for government to regulate and leave forgetting the long term management best practices, rather, an ideal regulatory environment would include sensible solutions and management strategies that would serve the purposes of long term goals that are acheivable and workable and that include the experiences and dare say expertise of those living in the working environment.  

CAPR Opposes HB 1838 Protecting, restoring, and maintaining habitat for salmon recovery.

CAPR has provided this testimony and comment on HB 1838 which if appropriately titled would read "Establishing takings and ruining private property rights and farming in Washington State"  

Citizens’ Alliance for Property Rights members from both the west and east sides of the state adamantly and absolutely oppose 1838 and its companions in the Senate 5727 and 5665.

The bills should be sidelined and stopped even though the governor has requested them.  Explaining all that is wrong with this proposed legislation would take far more than a minute or 2.

When Government says they’re doing it for the ‘Greater Good’ – Watch Out | Wildlife Project is a Theft of Property Rights

Guest Column by Debra Tash 

January 22, 2019

The Planning Commission’s public hearing will be on January 31st , 8:30 AM at the County Government Center, 800 So Victoria Ave. Ventura.  

CAPR Public Comment on US Fish and Wildlife ESA Compensatory Mitigation Policy Rulemaking

All persons can provide comments to the USFW on the Rulemaking until January 5. 

The link to provide comment to the Federal Fish and Wildlife Service is here:

Here is the comment submitted by CAPR.

Citizens’ Alliance for Property Rights

Comment on ESA Compensatory Mitigation Policy Implementation. Document # FWS-HQ-ES-2015-0126


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