
Liberty Oriented Organizations Featuring Washington Sensible Shorelines Association


By Cindy Alia

CAPR is interested in and grateful for other organizations that focus on a fair, balanced, scientifically sound, and well managed regulatory means.  It is not enough for government to regulate and leave forgetting the long term management best practices, rather, an ideal regulatory environment would include sensible solutions and management strategies that would serve the purposes of long term goals that are acheivable and workable and that include the experiences and dare say expertise of those living in the working environment.  

Competing Bills Undermine Housing Updated

By Cindy Alia

Updated 2/26/24

We are pleased to note the Senate Ways and Means committee held today at 10:00 am failed to hear HB 2114 in executive session.  This means the bill is dead for this session as it would miss the deadling established for today for a bill to be read on the floor.  That won't happen as the Ways and Means committee failed to hear the bill in executive committee and it can't be passed to the rules committee or the floor.  Good news for landlords and tenants alike who would find it hard to be prepared for the additional burdens and expenses that would have resulted from the passage of the bill.

Updated 2/20/24

Citizens' Alliance for Property Rights Banquet Thank you!


CAPR especially thanks all members and friends who attended our event making it a fun and uplifting experience!  Your dedication to liberty and property rights along with your generous support for CAPR's mission of respecting and restoring property rights has made our past and will make our future work possible and impactful!  Thank you!

 “Restoring Common Sense in Washington” Initiatives, Taxation, Education.

 Thank you Keynote Speaker Jim Walsh!

Prohibiting the Use of Natural Gas in Washington State Updated

By Cindy Alia 1/19/24

Updated 2/26/24

We are pleased to note the Senate Ways and Means committee did not give HB 1589 and executive hearing today.  This means the bill is dead as it did not get passed out of committee to the rules committee or the floor for a vote in time to miss the establshed deadline today for bills from the opposite house to be read on the floor.  This is good news for those who wouold prefer to rely on a combination of natural gas and electricity rather than on electricity only.  Our already over-burdened electric grid would struggle to meet the demands this bill would have required leaving some with limited power and eliminated options.

Domestic Violent Extremist Bill HB 1333 In Legislature Again!


Updated 2/19/24

By Cindy Alia

This bill is dead for this session, and deservedly so as it is the most discriminatory bill ever produced by legislators.  This is the kind of bill that would have ripped our society apart and was never worth consideration let alone the waste of resources and time spent on preparing it.  As an electorate we must do better at seeing principled candidates who recognize the differences between right and wrong elected regardless of party affiliation. 

Tsunami of Bills!!! Even though a "short" or 60 day session has begun on January 8, to end on March 8, the bills are pouring in like there is no end in sight! 

By Cindy Alia


Even though a "short" or 60 day session has begun on January 8, to end on March 8, the bills are pouring in like there is no end in sight!  Bills unworthy of special attention last session are attempting to be included in this session, as we run a bicameral or 2-year legislative cycle.  All bills introduced last year technically are viable this year.  Unfortunately many new bills were also introduced this year to bring the total of introduced bills to date for the two sessions to 3,053as of this writing.  Gratefully, all bills will be "dead" or not acted on next session, and to be in play would need to be reintroduced to go through the entire legislative process.  This seems to me to be a great recipe for disfunction!  

Liberty Oriented Organizations Featuring Silent Majority Foundation

December 27, 2023

By Cindy Alia

Who cares about life, liberty, and property?  The Silent Majority Foundation does as it has tirelessly worked to protect those American ideals and your constitutionally protected rights.

Do you object to emergency orders or lock downs that may protect some citizens but not their rights to work, travel, and retain their means of living?  Silent Majority Foundation sued Inslee

CAPR letter to comment on Proposed Rule Change to Amend the NYSE Listed Company Manual to Adopt Listing Standards for Natural Asset Companies. 

December 27, 2023 

Updated to include CAPR letter to comment on Proposed Rule Change to Amend the NYSE Listed Company Manual to Adopt Listing Standards for Natural Asset Companies.  1/12/24

CAPR Comments to SEC on  proposed NYSE rule change:

Citizens’ Alliance for Property Rights

718 Griffin Avenue #7

Enumclaw, WA 98022


Vanessa A. Countryman


Securities and Exchange Commission

100 F St., NE

Washington, D.C. 20549

Re: File Number SR-NYSE-2023-09: Self-Regulatory Organizations; New York Stock

January 8 is day one of the 60 day legislative session in Washington State

Updated December 27, 2023

By Cindy Alia

CAPR reads and rates bills that will impact property rights!  We will continue to fight for your life, liberty, and property!  Our team is reading and rating bills as they are published you can view the CAPR legislative rating page at this link.   Be patient, there is a lot of information that loads with that page!  


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