Growth Management

Elaine Willman and the Invasion of the Tribal Justice Warriors

Recently, CAPR’s Skagit chapter invited Elaine Willman, nationally renowned author and public speaker, to hold a workshop on water and property rights, specifically in the context of conflicts with tribal governments.  Ms Willman, who has written two popular books on that subject, is an expert on federal government and tribal decisions and how they impact land use inside and outside Indian reservations.  She also is vocal about threats to constitutional rights for both tribal members and other American citizens.

Seize The Opportunity of SSB 5239 to Fix Poor Hirst Decision!

Representative Jim Walsh of Aberdeen provides an insightful editorial in The Daily News. He wants the legislature to seize the opportunity to make sense of Hirst by passing SSB 5239! Thank you Representative Walsh for your clear look at the facts and your article!

Hirst and Endangered Rural Democrats

Clear and honest article in Washington Wire by Senator Sheldon. Basically what he is asking is will urban based democrats, heedless of the destruction wrought by their ideology throw rural democrats under the bus and themselves as well as the urban democrat fidelity to the environmental cartel finally costs too much for their urban constituents? The takings and cost of Hirst has been a step too far; it is time for democrats to save themselves, the property rights of rural citizens, and the pocketbooks of city citizens with a yes vote on a clean (no amendments) SSB 5239.…/


5-1-17 CAPR Newsletter Legislative Update

Dear CAPR members, friends,supporters!

Washington Water War The 8th Day of the Special Session will begin on Monday May 1. This will leave 22 days of the special session to fight for water rights for every citizen in the state. Senator Jim Honeyford ( rightly stated no budget will pass until after a Hirst fix bill has passed! The prior session ended with no bill passing but the legislature is still looking at SSB 5239 to provide a solution for the thousands of families who have had their water rights taken. Senator Honeyford's open and strong support of families damaged by the Hirst Decision is appreciated! The damaging amendments from Democrats Stanford and Springer must not again prevent the passage of a bill to fix the Hirst Decision.

Stealing Our Water One Lawsuit at a Time - The Hirst Heist and Our Diminishing Legislature

By Glen Morgan and Cindy Alia

On October 6, 2016,  Futurewise, with the assistance of six Washington State Supreme Court Justices, managed to win the lawsuit lottery.  The Supreme Court ruled in Hirst v. W. Washington Growth Management Hearings Board (decision linked here) on a 6-3 vote in favor of Futurewise and against the people.  This ruling invented new land use rules approved by no legislature or elected official.  This litigious and aggressive environmental NGO funded by wealthy Seattle donors was able to end the historic private well exemption.  

Will SB 5239 Be Enough of a Fix to the Hirst Decision?

5239 is most likely going to be heard in the house before the March 29 deadline to hear bills in the opposite house.  Those who understand the devastating loss of property and water rights, loss of the use of their land, and extreme devaluation, often up to 90% of their value, for thousands of families of many counties are working to improve this bill.  Those who do not understand this kind of loss are likewise involved.  The Hirst decision has also impacted counties and the state in terms of loss of productivity and commerce in their communities along with a drop in tax revenue.


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