Growth Management

Hirst Decision by Supreme Court unleashes wrath of "Futurewise" upon property owners by taking their water

The recent Washington State Supreme Court decision Hirst vs. W. Washington Growth Management Hearings Board (“Hirst”) opens a new offensive against individual property rights and common sense; and it continues the trend of legislative rule making by our Supreme Court. The ruling is disastrous for property rights.  This is just part of the story.  The impacts are likely to be much greater than people realize.  There are actions you can take to make a difference.

Seeking Justice by Electing Justices Who Respect the Constitution and the Rule of Law

Many persons seek the protection of their property rights and relief from over-reaching or misapplied regulatory actions and want to have that relief from our Judicial system.  But what if the highest court in our State has strayed from the rule of law and constitutional decision making and into the arena of problem solving with decisions best left to another branch of government, the legislature? 

Putting Pot in Its Place

At 7:00 pm on the evening of August 24th well over 80 concerned citizens attended a meeting at the Wabash Church meeting room in Auburn, rural King County.  They came to meet and discuss their grievances with the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board (WSLCB). The list of objections from rural property owners are the core questions regarding property values, and neighborhood safety.

Be There or Be Taxed! Come to Fall City to Speak Out on Septic System "Fees"

Make sure you attend this last meeting so King County officials can hear what you think about being blamed for pollution with your septic system.  We all know septic systems are far superior to the municipal combined sewer storm water overflows that so often pollute the Puget Sound.

Spokane County Voluntary Stewardship Program

The Spokane County Chapter of Citizens’ Alliance for Property Rights (CAPR) has some concerns with the proposed Voluntary Stewardship Program (VSP). The VSP was created when Governor Christine Gregoire commissioned Bill Ruckelshaus to protect environmentally sensitive areas in our state while preserving farm land. Please include this letter as public testimony that our chapter is not in favor of the VSP.

Jefferson County Shoreline Master Plan (SMP) Challenge

The Jefferson County Shoreline Master Plan (SMP) imposes one-size fits all requirements (including 150 foot buffers and the onerous permitting restrictions) that will harm shoreline property owners, property valuations, and county tax revenue from these properties. In February, CAPR filed opening briefs in the Court of Appeals, having moved to appeal from the Growth Management Hearings Board review. The next major activity in this precedential case will occur when the response briefs of Jefferson County and the Department of Ecology are filed.

Why CAPR is Fighting the Mountains to Sound Greenway National Heritage Area

Citizens' Alliance for Property Rights is petitioning Congress asking for a denial of the designation of the Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust National Heritage Area.  There are serious considerations regarding the imposition of an Heritage Area on Private Property Owners. Individual Property Owners expect the right to self-determination through elected and accountable representatives. National Heritage Areas are mapped regions which include thousands of private properties within the borders of a Heritage Area. National Heritage Areas are areas that are designated National Park Service Areas and are as such federally controlled areas.

Will the Mountains to Sound Greenway National Heritage Area Become a Reality?

No MSG, Smart Resistance Why it is wise to reject a National Heritage Area by Cindy Alia

This article was written in the past, however, the issues addressed still apply today, in fact more so as we have witnessed little change in the tactics and financial woes of the NPS.

“What is a National Heritage Area?” Good question indeed and one that is commonly asked in almost all documents I have read in the feasibility study phase of creating such an area. The Mountains to Sound Greenway National Heritage Area is one where this question is addressed. It is difficult and time consuming to go online and find a document that addresses the heritage area planned by this benevolent NGO.


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