CAPR's blog

730 Bills Survive 2nd Legislative Cut-off!

March 1. 2025

By Cindy Alia

The insanity in Olympia where the majority rules has begun to waver with cut off for bill progress having gone through 2 iterations.  What had begun with 2140 bils filed, had gone to 1154 after the first cut off (policy) and now has dwindled to 730 after yesterdays 2nd cut off day.  Probably 730 would be a better start than 2140, but so much of bill writing is of virtue signalling it is painstaking to wait and see what is really wanted.  

Save the Date - May 31! CAPR Annual Banquet Featuring Key Note Speaker Robert Barnes!

CAPR is excited and extremely pleased to announce Robert Barnes will be the Key Note Speaker for the Annual CAPR Banquet and Fundraiser this May 31st, 2025!

If you are among the many who follow the work of Robert Barnes, you know why you will not want to miss this CAPR Banquet Event!

Robert Barnes is the well respected and esteemed champion of constitutionally protected rights across the United States. 

Robert Barnes is Champion of the Underdog, Crusader for the Constitution, Equalizer of the Odds.

State to Pre-empt Local Authority in HB 1254, International Wildland Urban Interface Code

By Cindy Alia 1/22/25

Analysis of HB 1254  AN ACT Relating to implementing the International Wildland Urban Interface Code; amending RCW 19.27.560; and reenacting and amending RCW 19.27.031.  There is a link on the bill page link for you to comment to your legislators.

HB 1254 is Sponsored by these legislators from the House of Representatives; Representatives Duerr, Berg, Ramel, Macri, Pollet, Davis, and Hunt.  You can Comment to your legislators on this bill. 

Over the Top Rent Control Bill Starts Legislative Session!

by Cindy Alia 1/11/25

Property Rights Urgent Alert!

HB 1217 Improving housing stability for tenants subject to the residential landlord-tenant act and the manufactured/mobile home landlord-tenant act by limiting rent and fee increases, requiring notice of rent and fee increases, limiting fees and deposits, establishing a landlord resource center and associated services, authorizing tenant lease termination, creating parity between lease types, and providing for attorney general enforcement.

CAPR is Prepared for the Legislative Session!


Posted by Cindy Alia December 3, 2024

The Washington State Legislative Session is Scheduled to convene

for the 2025 regular session on January 13, 2025

CAPR is Preparing for the session!

The CAPR Bill reading and reviewing process has begun, and we will continue to rate legislative bills on the CAPR website Bill Rating Page!

Our bill reading team is in place and ready for the session!

The legislature has a process of pre-filing proposed bills starting in December. The bills have begun to be published as of yesterday.

You can read pre-filed bills from now until session start on January 13!

King County Proposed Septic System Ordinance Final CAPR Comments

By Cindy Alia 10/20/24, Updated 12/03/24

Additional News re King County Proposed Septic System Ordinance Changes!

The King County Department of Health has "pushed back" presenting its code changes to the King County Board of Health.  CAPR has had concerns and complaints about both the proposed code and the process of OSS Ordinance changes that have provided a rocky road for citizens seeking to remain involved with a clear understanding of what is proposed. That being said, the comments below outlining our concerns with the Ordinance or code remain valid and still need to be presented to the county!

From King County Department of Health:

"Updated timeline for OSS code revisions

Hello from the King County On-site Sewage System (OSS) Program team!  


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