Video on Citizens work for Liberty in Liberty
Why would people take time out of a sunny and pleasant Sunday Morning to Shovel Rocks? Because they love Liberty!
Why would people take time out of a sunny and pleasant Sunday Morning to Shovel Rocks? Because they love Liberty!
Farmers and all Property Rights Advocates should look at defeating the EPA water rule.
Sunday, June 22, 2014 10:00 AM LIBERTY, WA ~~ Near a small mining town ironically named Liberty in Washington State, liberty was served and demonstrated this Sunday morning as over 50 people collected to defend the rights of a neighbor. Their arms of defense were wheel barrows, picks, shovels, digging bars and at the end, sore backs.
June 24, 2014
Make your comments a part of the record. If you live in Bonner County Idaho, or in Pend Oreille County Washington, you have been impacted by this listing. The Federal FWS had listed the caribou, but then used the DPS (distinct population segment), or the sub-species ploy to continue listing. Read the linked article for details and where comments can be submitted.
In prefacing its case, the commission concluded "that Carbon County does not recognize any attempt by a federal official to try to enforce state or local criminal or civil laws on any lands in Carbon County, including any BLM or Forest Service lands."
Canyons and Plains National Heritage Area. Colorado's private property owners are aware of the threats to Property Rights and State Sovereignty as are citizens in Washington State who oppose the Mountains to Sound Greenway National Heritage Area. "Colorado - What if you discovered there was an organization working to undermine your private property rights, subvert your local sovereignty and compromise the sanctity and integrity of your locally elected officials through the imposition of a National Heritage Area (NHA) in the region where you live? What if your local jurisdictions financed this organization for many years through block grants and lodging taxes?
Caution and a great deal of thought should be applied to any individual contemplating conservation easements.
June 21, 2014
How animals improve the environment.
June 21, 2014
New EPA water rule will have a coercive impact. “Interpretive rule”for farming, ranching muddies the waters and would cause conservation practices to put those who implement them to be at risk.
June 21, 2014
"If the seizure of private property rights in Colorado is codified through the local-control ballot initiatives, all property rights throughout the state are under attack," Michelle Smith, president of NARO-Rockies, said in a statement. NARO-Rockies represents more than 600,000 mineral rights owners in Colorado. Boulder County governments could owe royalty owners $1 billion or more if they ban natural gas and oil development in the Wattenberg field, according to a report Thursday from the National Association of Royalty Owners.