
Threatened and Endangered Species Listings Likely to Increase Under New FWS Policy

People are wondering how the Notice of Final Policy of the Fish and Wildlife Service will impact them and their properties.  This article takes a look at both the notice and what the author thinks will happen.  The phrase  “significant portion of its range” (“SPR”) is up to determination, and that is always concerning to anyone who wants know law. The immediate red flag here is the claim by the government that the application of this new policy will be relatively uncommon.  Relative to what is the question begged, if it is relative to what the agencies have done in the past, this is alarming!  This well researched article will provide the reader with much useful information.

Corporate Environmentalist Futurewise hits Stumbling Block in Attempted Water Control

WRIA 1  water shed management on going saga of negotiations hits yet another impasse with the County Council at odds with demands and lawsuits of environmentalists.  In stream flow rules, land use growth restrictions, and water quality and quantity claims are detrimental to economy, farmers, industry, and property owners.

Wahkiakum County Property Owners Face Shoreline Ordinances

Having successfully fought of a planned National Heritage Area, Property Owners now want direct input to these processes of Shoreline and Land Use Ordinances.     As Wahkiakum County moves into updating its shoreline and land use ordinances, one may be certain there will be vigorous public input. Two members of the Wahkiakum County Real Property Rights Advisory Board questioned the county board of commissioners Tuesday about plans and processes. County commissioners formed the committee three years ago when a group of citizens objected to including the county in a proposed national heritage area. The board is charged with advising the board of commissioners on issues affecting property in the county, and so far, it has had little opportunity.

The Cost of Banning Mineral Rights Production

Should at some point those who wish to ban, delay, or over-regulate the development of resources be held financially accountable? Laws and regulations that prohibit production are the fashion of the year, an interest with exaggerated zeal created by fear tactics and often unsubstantiated concerns over the environment. Those who wish to ban or cause banning should consider the losses.  These things you fear are also the things you need and use.


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